Opening day in 2017
July | 1. 7. - 8. 7. | 8:00 - 18:00 |
9. 7. | 8:00 - 12:00 |
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Interesting links
Harry Mcgivern: Visit to fortification
On Saturday 31st Aug I spent a very enjoyable morning on a visit to the light fortifications near the village of Plan. The bunker has been authentically restored to its original condition. With reference to the original building and military plans, every last detail from the special disruptive camouflage painting on the outside, to working examples of the typical armaments and accessories within the bunker, have been meticulously included. A mock-up of the anti-tank and anti-personnel barriers which were constructed between bunkers helps to put the whole defensive system into perspective. The visit was made even more interesting by the local custodians because of their detailed knowledge of the history and purpose of this, in its time, radical and novel construction placed some 40Km behind the Czechoslovak boarder. For historians and WW2 buffs, this site is definitely worth a visit.
Vip: Příkladné !
Nazdar kolegové!
Soudě dle náhledu na tomto webu, považuji provedenou "rekonstrukci" řopíku za příkladnou. Čas dodá trochu patiny na novotou zářící vyvavení "den po návozu materiálu, dva dny po kolaudaci" a k tomu uniformovanou osádku s alespon základním výcvikem. Gratuluji.
Vip - KVH HP19
Jaroslav Dvořák: Super práce
Obdivuji vaši práci. To, co jste dokázali postavit z ruiny kdesi na poli, je obdivuhodné.
Přeji mnoho zdaru!